Shipping Policy

We ship all over the world. Just buy and enjoy our great service, we will ship directly to your door.
1. Receive your order request
After your payment has been processed and your order request received, we will email you to confirm this order. We will then prepare the items in your order.
2. Processing time
On this part, we allow about 1-2 working days for quality control and arranging a suitable shipment. Once the package has been dispatched, we will send you an email with delivery information.
Note: For orders with multiple items, the processing time will be based on the item with the longest processing time.
3. Shipping time
The actual delivery time to the destination country is subject to the delivery method in your order.
A: Flat rate shipping: 20 - 30 working days
B: Standard shipping: 10 - 20 working days (used by default)
C: Expedited shipping: 7 - 9 business days
For shipping costs, please refer to website updates.
Note: Public holidays, destination countries and courier companies can also affect shipping times.
4. Delivery time
Total delivery time = processing time + shipping time
Based on feedback, most packages are delivered quickly and safely.